Saturday, June 6, 2009

Silverlit RC Ducati parking lot run

Walked to the local school and ran the little bike through a pack of battery. Runtime was probably around 10-15 minutes. The bike was REALLY easy to drive, the balance was really good. It is just so cool to see the rider lean side to side to turn the bike. It was also really relaxing to just go out to the parking lot to play and chat.

The bike is a bit on the slow side, but afterall it's just a toy. After playing with this bike, I want to fix up the larger bikes for some fun. So hopefully those vids will be coming soon. The motors I have in the larger bikes are extremely fast as well, probably not suitable for the bikes since they are way too fast.

Here's a vid of the bike I took, no editing so it's sort of boring LOL
Cameraman: Me
Driver: My dad

(Not in vid, but he ended up crashing the bike and dislocating the rider's neck, killing him on the spot)

1 comment:

  1. Nice Video, today bought one wth 50% discount for $35!!!!
