There were tons of everything at the show. There was a booth selling all the Comic con exclusives, I was very tempted with the SDCC exclusive Superboy in his chamber, but decided to pass on him in the end. A majority of the dealers was selling Transfomers, Star Wars, and Marvel toys. I ended up buying most of my haul from the loose bins of one particular seller because his "loose" toys were actually complete and were in great condition, most of them even came with instructions so I know this seller takes care of his stuff very well.
Another item I was looking for is a Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Cheetor, I actually already bought this figure used last month, but it was not in the "excellent" condition that the seller said it was in. The chrome on it was almost gone and that is one of the aspects why I like Transmetals. I was hoping to find a loose one with a chrome arm in good condition. I saw many loose ones going for $15, but most of the chrome were already wearing off. I ended up finding a MISB one for $30 so I just got that instead. Here he is along with the Kup that I was hunting for.

One of the Transformers that I regret not picking up in the last show was the Classics Prime. This time I saw it from the same dealer, but the price have already increased by $20 ($60 to $80). It was a bit on the high end for me for just one figure. While looking through the loose bins from the same seller, I found the BW Waspinator that I wanted and I also got Transmetal Scavenger and the Hot Rod from the Generations 2-pack. They also had a loose Classics Prime going for $60 or with the FansProject G3 trailer together for $100. I kept thinking if I should just grab the new Classic Prime since it is only $20 more, but then for another $20 more I'd be able to get the trailer as well. I must have walked around contemplating on this purchase for at least an hour before I went back to them. In the end, I went back and asked if he would take $50 for just the loose Prime and he was okay with that. Then he said I can take the trailer together for $80. I didn't really know what the trailer turned into so I was thinking about it and then he opened it up to show me all the gimmicks and such and I just handed him my money LOL
I never thought I would get a 3rd party accessory for my TF's since they were always so expensive. But man this purchase was an awesome deal and I really like how it looks in vehicle mode. The problem is I was going to buy Prime to display him in his robot mode, but I just love how he looks with the trailer that I might leave him like this. I am really happy with this purchase!
The trailer is the G3 trailer from FansProject.

Waspinator, Scavenger, and Rodimus from the same seller. These guys were in amazing condition, it was just like buying new without box.

I also picked up several TPB comics from the only guy selling comics in the whole show. Before Super Duper Toy Box got me into comics, I never had interest in them. I actually did not get why people liked comics at all. But after getting my first TPB, I was hooked. These were cheap so I picked them up for more reading. I actually can't wait to go to a comic con next time they are in town.

I don't know anything about Omega Flight except I think they are the Canadian-based super heroes team. I figured for $2 (all 5 issues) why not?

Then just as I was leaving, I picked this guy up for $15. Had to have him to finish my MMPR 8" figure collection.

All in all, it was an awesome show and I did end up sticking most of my purchases to TF-only with the exception of the comics and Green Ranger figure. Although I am still bummed I forgot to bring my camera since it was an awesome show, I'd love to give you guys a tour of the show...oh well there's next time! I am really glad I finally have the Classics Prime and extremely happy I got the trailer with him for an amazing price. With the Beast Wars purchases, I can finally say I am DONE with my Beast Wars collection. Now BRING ON THE TRANSFORMERS PRIME TOYS!!! LOL!
The never-ending journey of toy collecting...