I was very lucky to have a lot of toys when I was a kid. Most of it came from my aunt who worked at Mattel at that time. I use to get literally garbage bags of "samples" on Saturdays almost every month. One of the toys that stuck with me the longest were the Mighty Max playsets. I had TONS of them. Unfortunately, along with 99% of my toys, they were lost when we immigrated to Canada.
A while back when I was suddenly feeling nostalgic and started to hunt for toys that I had as a kid, I got reminded of Mighty Max playsets. I then proceeded to go on Ebay to see if I can get some of them back...but man oh man...they are not cheap! I guess since they came with tiny little figures, there aren't a whole lot of them that are complete out there anymore. I soon forgot about it since it would cost me tons of money just to get back a few of them.
Then a few weeks back, while I was checking out the local Transformers forums. I saw someone selling several sets of Mighty Max playsets. They weren't complete, but there was this one that I had back then and I figured why not ask for the price anyways.
Long story short, I got the lot and here's the main piece I wanted, the others were just icing on the cake!
After some Google, I found out this set is called "Stings the Scorpion".

Ohh look who it is!

Here's the scorpion opened up to reveal the playset. I was looking at this just now and I thought I must have had a really good imagination back then because I could play with these sets for hours at a time by myself and have stories conjured inside my head with them. I don't really "get it" anymore, but this piece just brings up all sorts of nostalgia for me.

I swear, they looked much better than this in my young noggin'...

And the coolest part of this set is that there is a scorpion robot that Max can ride on inside! To this day, I still think this is still just so COOL!