Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today's haul

Dropped by Walmart to see if there were any new Marvel Universe figures. I saw the Thing, the new Punisher, and Classic Iron Man. Didn't pick up any of them as I was only looking for Capt. America and another Wave 1 Iron Man. The Wave 3 Punisher does look a lot better than the Wave 1 one, but I am not a fan of him so I didn't get it. These figures are running out of stock really quickly here! I remember only seeing the whole Wave 1 once when they just got released, now everytime I only see a few figures. However, the Wolverine Origin line is not doing too good. Saw plenty of the whole wave on the shelves.

I didn't pick up any figures though, but I loaded up on sugar goodies LOL
Saw a Mr. Incredible PEZ and I had to get it. I had tons of PEZ when I was young.


  1. Ha! Ha! Indeed these are happy food! Can also play with Mr Incredible when eating the candies. Awesome!

  2. I need something to munch on when I am studying lol
