The event was about 30 minutes drive away from my home which was very convenient. The first thing I saw when I got there were the Ghostbusters standing beside the Batmobile!
Their suits look very accurate and professional, but it must have been really hot to wear these costumes in the hot weather!

The Batmobile looked really sweet too! Although Batman was nowhere to be seen...

Turns out Batman was inside enjoying the AC haha

After paying for the entrance fee, I went straight to the dealer room, it was PACKED even though I went one or two hours into the show.

There were soooo many toys everywhere, it was very overwhelming LOL! The main focuses were Transformers, Marvel, DC, GIJoes, and Star Wars.

There were some very expensive GIJoes!

There was one of these SDCC Exclusive Marvel Universe Sentinel for sale at the show for $130, I was thinking if I should get it when this guy swooped in and bought it right in front of me. Needless to say, I was somewhat disappointed for a while. But I ended up getting some stuff that I've been meaning to get for a long time which cheered me up again haha!

Saw several characters from Star Wars as well.

So I was checking out some Transformers when I heard some laser shooting sounds, I turn around and this is what I saw!

Haul time:
I picked up a bunch of AMAZING Beasts Wars prints from Dan Khanna. These prints are one of the things that I love most from these shows. Although I am a prints noob because I figured I should get them at the end of the show when I would be leaving since I was afraid I'd ruin them if I carry them around the show for several hours. I end up missing out on the first generation gorilla Optimus Prime and Transmetal Blackarachnia when I made these purchases. However, Dan told me there was a Fan Expo coming up in Toronto where he would be attending as well and he will have those prints available. So next time I go, I know where to go right away!
Alex Milne was there too and I wanted to pick up several prints from him as well, but again being the noob that I am, I went close to the end and missed out on all the ones I wanted from him. Hopefully he will be at Fan Expo as well so I will have another chance to get them!

I've been meaning to get back some of the Transmetal stuff that I lost from my childhood. And now since I am finally done my Animated collection, I think I am going to start collecting bots from the Beasts Wars era now. Warpath was on my must-buy list because we didn't get his wave in Canada. He was very popular as they were literally flying off the shelves. And Boba Fett was for my dad lol.

Also picked up these guys that I can never find in retail.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable event! Although I hope I will be able to make it to next year's SDCC as that show is massive and just another experience altogether!