Saturday, October 17, 2009

Souchaku Henshin: Kiva Basshaa form

Okay, finally opened this guy up. First, the packaging is awesome! No twist-ties, no rubber bands, all parts are held within the bubble tightly. The toy includes 3 extra pair of hands for different poses. The separate pieces included are actually armor pieces that have to be installed onto Kiva. All the armor pieces are diecast metal so they make Kiva quite hefty. Articulation-wise, it is very good, double jointed knees and elbows, etc. It looks like most, if not all, of the joints are metal, which is a huge plus!!! Just in case you are wondering, the armor on his lower left leg is also diecast! Overall, really really nice figure!

By the way, can anyone recommend a stand to hold these figures for posing?


  1. Umm... have you tried the stand to hold 1/144 Gundam? They have this holder to actually hold your Kiva's ... ahem... "crotch".

    Not the 1/100 coz, it would be too tall. Or, you can try the white holder, the one which is flexible, but due to the weight, probably the 1/144 holder is better.

  2. Thanks Kaze! I will check it out. One thing though, he is pretty heavy, I'd say even similar weight to a MG gundam. So I am not sure if the plastic stand can support him.
