Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
New toy
I just messed with it for several hours tonight and I love it! The sound is so soothing! My fingers do hurt a bit though, but I know that is one thing that I will have to get use to anyways. Can't wait to get back to it after work tomorrow!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011
Spawn haul
Funny how I came upon this loot really, since I got all these from my hairdresser's husband. I've known them for years and have always gone to them for my haircut. Every time I am there, I always chat a lot with her husband because he is into gaming and a lot of other interesting hobbies. Almost every time I visit them, he has a new hobby LOL! He knew about my radio control stuff, but collecting toys never came up for some reason until recently. He was surprised then he said, "I gotta show you this then!". Then low and behold, he showed me his action figures collection LOL! All his stuff were MISB. He told me he used to buy them when he was a kid, but he just kept them MISB because he didn't have the room to display them in. After going over all his figures that were not deep in storage (he still have tons of stuff in bags under his staircase), he asked if I would be interested in taking them off his hands for a good price since he doesn't do anything with them anymore and now he also has their newborn daughter to take care of. And what did I say? Hell ya!!!
I didn't have that much cash on me at that time so we decided to deal next time I go for a haircut. So today I went for the most expensive haircut I've ever gotten, but I got some free figures with the deal as well LOL (these were just some of them, I couldn't get them all because I still have to pay for my new toy coming on Tuesday haha)
Can't wait for my next haircut!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Marvel Universe - World War Hulk
I paid a little over retail for this figure at the Comic con last weekend, but it was well worth it! This figure is just so detailed and nicely painted that I am starting to regain faith into the MU line. This Hulk figure is just amazing! I am glad they went with a separate piece for the shoulder armor and sword sheath. His face has a very nice sculpt as well. The articulation is excellent at this scale. If they did the rest of their figures like this one, I will start to collect them again.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Toronto Comic Con
[EDIT] - Added a few more shots that didn't come out as sharp as I'd like, but it does show some more coverage of the event.
Just went to my first convention today, it was the Toronto Comic Con Fan Appreciation event. The show wasn't that big, but the admission was free so it was no biggie. I didn't really get that many pics of the event because I was busy checking out all the toys that were for sale there haha! I had to control myself not to splurge on all the Marvel stuff they had there at awesome prices too!
Look at all those Marvel Universes!!! The prices were really good for these, I wanted to get all of them!!! LOL
There were some cute buttons for sale there too, the zombies remind me of Plants vs. Zombie haha
There were a booth with a bunch of what I assume to be Heroclix figures, these were tiny, but they were really detailed!
My friend going through some GIJoe stuff...
And of course, there were a lot of comics...
There were also a lot of famous comic book artists here for autographs and selling their drawing. I really wanted to pick up several drawings, but I had nothing to carry them with. I was going for a shoot around town with some friends after too so I didn't want to have too much load. Do you recognize any of them?
And last of haul...see I was IN control! LOL
Monday, April 4, 2011
Amiami haul
It's always nice to come home from work to a package from Amiami haha!
First up, of course I had to get the Revoltech Iron Man, what a great looking figure!
And what's that at the bottom? I was hoping this set would come in a nicer box with boxart on the outside that I can set up like those at the retail stores. But nope, I am guessing it's just a plain generic box. Oh well, the contents are what it matter right?